Feeling Good Mini Series: Podcast #4 – Positive Mental Health Skills – Breathing

Feeling Good are proud to announce the launch of our podcast mini series. In podcast #4, entitled ‘Positive Mental Health Skills – Breathing’, our host Serena Steptoe chats with Dr Sheila Ross. In this podcast, we talk broadly about positive mental health skills – the attitudes towards them, and the barriers to developing them. We also talk about how we can possibly incorporate positive mental health skills into our daily lives.

We intended to discuss a variety of skills but ended up framing our whole conversation around one particular and vital skill: breathing. Dr Sheila Ross talks about the benefits of breathing and some of the science behind it. We even incorporate a brief practice of breath work.


Listen to our first podcast, ‘Let’s Talk Mental Health’, here.

Listen to podcast #2, ‘Lived Experience of Teacher Burnout’, here.

Listen to our third podcast, ‘Preventing Teacher Burnout’, here.

Created and produced by Serena Steptoe

Artwork by: Ella Read (@ella.readie on instagram)

Music by Callum Govan (@wakeup on instagram) and Frankie Ogilvie (@franck_carouse on instagram).

This project has been made possible by a grant from Localgiving and People’s Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.